It’s what you’ve all been waiting for – a local ukulele jam, at your favourite library, right on your doorstep.

Yes, that’s right – from Friday 1 March, (7.30-9pm) we’ll be running a monthly drop in ukulele jam for anyone with a yearning to play the world’s cutest instrument. It really is possible to pick up a uke and play a song with only three chords, within the space of an hour and a half. If you don’t believe me, come along and find out.

We have about 7 ukes you can try, so you’re welcome to come along and take a chance on getting one, or dig out the uke you bought in lockdown and dust it off and come along. We have some spare tuners too, so we can get yours tuned up and ready to rock it out.

We have two volunteer jam leaders – Brendan and Alvaro – who will get the tunes going and lead the playing.

Gwan – you know you want to! Head over here to reserve your free place.